


害怕 OR 恐懼 OR 緊張 OR 壓力 OR 焦慮 OR 畏懼
注射 OR 打針 OR 麻醉

-(害怕 OR 恐懼 OR 緊張 OR 壓力 OR 焦慮 OR 畏懼) AND (注射 OR 打針 OR 麻醉) AND 牙_沒有

-振動 AND (害怕 OR 恐懼 OR 緊張 OR 壓力 OR 焦慮 OR 畏懼) AND (注射 OR 打針 OR 麻醉) AND 牙_沒有

害怕 恐惧 畏懼 紧张 压力 焦虑
注射 打针 麻醉

(dental OR tooth) AND (anesthesia OR sedation) AND (stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR distress OR avoidance OR alertness OR Odontophobia OR dentophobia )? 沒有

"dental injection" AND (stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR distress OR avoidance OR alertness OR Odontophobia OR dentophobia ) 沒有

tooth OR dental OR molar OR oral OR maxillofacial OR dentistry OR Dentist_injection OR needle_stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR distress OR avoidance OR alertness OR Odontophobia OR dentophobia 沒有

(injection OR needle ) AND ( tooth OR dental OR molar OR oral OR maxillofacial OR dentistry OR Dentist ) AND ( stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR distress OR avoidance OR alertness OR Odontophobia OR dentophobia ) AND (tactile OR somatosensory OR sensory OR touch OR hugging OR swaddling OR squeezing OR stroking OR holding OR brushing OR vibration OR weight OR pressure OR compression OR massage OR chewing OR snoezelen OR multisensory) 沒有

-(injection OR needle OR anesthesia ) AND ( tooth OR dental OR oral ) AND ( stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia ) AND (tactile OR touch ) -vibration 沒有

(injection OR needle ) AND ( tooth OR dental OR molar OR oral OR maxillofacial OR dentistry OR Dentist ) AND ( stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR distress OR avoidance OR alertness OR Odontophobia OR dentophobia ) AND (tactile OR somatosensory OR sensory OR touch OR brushing OR vibration OR compression OR massage OR chewing OR snoezelen OR multisensory) -pain 沒有(google)

(injection OR needle ) AND ( tooth OR dental OR oral OR maxillofacial OR dentistry OR Dentist ) AND ( stress OR anxiety OR fear OR phobia OR alertness ) AND (tactile OR somatosensory OR sensory OR touch OR brushing OR vibration OR chewing OR snoezelen OR multisensory ) -pain

振動 AND (害怕 OR 恐懼 OR 緊張 OR 壓力 OR 焦慮 OR 畏懼) AND (注射 OR 打針 OR 麻醉) AND 牙_沒有

職能治療 牙科 牙醫 Deep touch pressure 楊峻賓


photo credit: <a href="">Kent 肯特</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>



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